The contractors are in place and work to complete the new library in Mitchelstown is well underway, writes Brian Moore. The library, which will be located at the Sutton’s Court development on the Clonmel Road, has drawn some criticism from local resident groups in the town.
“We believe that the location for the new library should not be at Sutton’s Court, the library will be situated at a very busy crossroads and we feel that it will not be safe for the elderly and children to cross the road when they want to use the facility.
"However, we welcome the fact that the town is to have a new library, a facility which is badly needed,” community council PRO, Michael White told The Avondhu.
The contractors are working to fit out the new building and it is expected that the facility will open early in 2011.
“The new library will be opened soon and I look forward to seeing the state-of-the-art facilities in place,” Cllr Kevin O’Keeffe said.
Another Mitchelstown resident who is looking forward to the new library is Billy Piggott from St Fanahan’s Place. Billy has created a working scale model of the former Mitchelstown Railway Station.
“I would love to have the model on permanent display in the town and I think the new library would be the perfect place so that people can come and see what the town was like all those years ago,” Billy said.
Thursday 28th October 9:00pm