Sutton’s Court is one step closer to being taken over by Cork County Council for social housing.
Cllr Liam O’Doherty, who has long campaigned for the homes at Sutton’s Court to be used by the council told The Avondhu, “We are in need of social and affordable housing right across North Cork and the development at Sutton’s Court would be ideal.
"The application for funding has been with the minister since last year and, while we have been told the funds will be made available and that Cluid will be taking over at Sutton’s Court, the minister has yet to sign off on the matter.”
Tim Porter of the social and affordable housing group, Cluid, said, “Cluid’s ‘bread and butter’ is the provision of high quality long term rental housing for families, couples and single persons on lower incomes.”
Cluid manages over 2,000 units of such ‘general needs’ housing throughout the country and is increasingly becoming involved in managing units under the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS).
This scheme is run by local authorities and aimed at people in need of long-term housing who are receiving rent supplement. Cluid also provides housing services to local authorities under management agreements.
Thursday 19th March 5:21pm