LUKES TEAM to host Suicide Awareness training in Mitchelstown
As a part of their campaign to raise awareness around the issue of suicide, the young members of LUKES TEAM have organised ‘safeTALK’ suicide awareness training to be delivered between 7pm and 10pm on Thursday, February 24 in The Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown.
LUKES TEAM, which stands for ‘Let Us Keep Everyone Safe Through Every Anxious Moment’ have provided the venue and refreshments required by the HSE’s Suicide Prevention Resource Office to facilitate this 3 hour workshop in safeTALK training for persons aged 18 years or older who are interested in supporting people who maybe at risk of suicide.
The aim is to help participants to become more suicide alert and they encourage as many individuals, sports clubs and community groups as possible to apply for this training. The training is also very appropriate for professions such as teachers, Gardaí, taxi drivers, shop assistants, publicans and all others that involve regular engagement with people.
The HSE warn people that safeTALK is not recommended for anyone who is presently feeling emotionally vulnerable, has been bereaved in the last year and particularly so by suicide, or have had thoughts of suicide in recent months. The members of LUKES TEAM would encourage anyone effected by any of these issues to discuss them with their GP to assist addressing them.
Booking a place and/or to find out more, contact Ailbe Coleman on 086-78149849 or at
Places on training are limited to 30 but an extra training workshop is scheduled for April 27 to cater for anyone that is not able to be facilitated on this particular course.
Thursday 13th February 5:20pm