- Hickeys convenience store and petrol station closes down -
The Ballyhooly convenience shop and filling station has been in Denis Hickeys family for three generations, to be more exact, for no less than 80 years. It has closed its doors now and for many Ballyhooly residents with a soft spot for the shop, its staff and owners, the day has been an emotional one filled with good memories, good chats and good wine.
"It is time to move on" Mr. Hickey said. We knew this day was coming. My grandmother started the shop about 80 years ago. It started as a general convenience shop. When my mother and father took over, an extension to the building was added and the services extended to offering grocery and hardware and a petrol station was added
Mr Hickey started managing the shop 32 years ago when this was just one of four or five other shops in the village.
Things have changed dramatically through the years. Attitudes have changed. People are travelling more - they don't stay in one place anymore".
Irish society is changing at such a fast pace. Where the village used to have only 200 inhabitants in the past, it now houses more than 400 and it is expected to double its size to between 800 and 1,000 in the near future. New housing estates are going up all the time. Still, with all this increase in population, Hickeys Londis Shop was the only shop left in the village, the centre of the community.
We wish Denis and his wife Bernie the very best in their retirement.
Thursday 13th March 6:56pm