Early introduction to publishing for Glanworth pupils
In recent weeks, there's been a flurry of activity in the region's national schools, all of which goes to show that our schools are fonts of creativity and innovation.
Ticking both of these boxes is Glanworth National School who raised the bar a notch or two recently with their decision to publish a book of poems by third and fourth class pupils.
The poetry project, initiated by teacher Mairéad Hayes, was an ambitious undertaking but one which pupils embraced enthusiastically. The school was buzzing in advance of last week's launch where parents and supporters turned out in force to hear students read their poems, Limericks and skipping rhymes. The collection has a strong environmental theme and the original compositions were of a very high standard.
Despite the excitement surrounding the event, all the youthful readers were word perfect and extended rounds of applause greeted the conclusion of each poem. According to Miss Hayes, the pupils displayed a great flair for creative writing. She expressed the hope that seeing their writings in print would spark off further literary interest in the years ahead.
Feedback on the night was extremely positive and following formalities everyone present was treated to teas and refreshments.
Friday 5th July 10:43am