The Avondhu last week reported on the unfortunate setbacks to the Sutton’s Court library in Mitchelstown. With the opening initially scheduled for September 2009, it now looks like it is back to square one for the library and the people of Mitchelstown awaiting this vital resource.
“What’s happening with the library at the moment is an absolute disgrace. We have two buildings here in Mitchelstown, Forrest Hall and Sutton’s Court, owned by Cork County Council and earmarked for a library. Questions have to be asked at this stage as to what the delay is, and answers need to be given. This is a shocking disgrace and a shocking waste of taxpayers money.”
“There is a huge need for a library in the town. I would like to see the library open before Christmas. The school kids need a library when they return to school. I don’t understand what the delay is.”
This formed a motion by Cllr Frank O’Flynn at last Monday’s meeting of the council’s Northern division in Mallow, where he called on Cork County Council to give an up to date progress report on the situation regarding Mitchelstown library.
Cllr Kevin O’Keeffe advised: “Due to the economic downturn, the contractor appointed to carry out the work at Sutton’s Court has gone into liquidation. I am extremely disappointed, I had hoped the library would be open soon. The other tenders will have to be re-examined and a new contractor appointed to carry out the work needed.”
Acting county manager Tom Stritch advised they would “look at who came second in the tendering process, to speed things up and save money.”
Thursday 22nd July 6:13pm