Ballygiblin band reform for once off recitial
First, hearty congratulations to everyone associated with the Gathering celebrations in Ballygiblin. Some communities have gone for modest undertakings, but this wasn't an option for Ballygiblin inhabitants who pushed the boat out with a weekend of festivities.
During last Friday night's Gathering Mass, there were reports that the long defunct Ballygiblin National School Band would reform for a once-off recital to mark the occasion. When a pretty beat up looking drum was dusted down, things didn't look too promising, the omens didn't get any better when some rusty triangles were produced. John O'Brien's cymbals had benefited from some determined polishing but overall, there were doubts that the band, with little in the way of preparation could muster up a performance to entertain the huge crowd.
Possibly inspired by the occasion and determined not to leave down their old master, Jack Clancy, the band drew on old memories to produce a remarkable variety of sounds from ancient instruments. Master Clancy said his former pupils were 'powerful' and that his heart was 'full of pride' to see them marching in step down the road.
The upbeat start initiated by the band on Friday night set the tone for a never to be forgotten weekend that embodied everything that is good about Irish communities. Well done to all concerned especially the fresh faced boys and girls of Ballygiblin National School Band on rolling back the years and giving everyone a much needed lift.
Friday 28th June 9:37am