Working starting on Lios Oir houses in Fermoy
Residents of the Lios Oir estate on the Pike Road in Fermoy were delighted to be informed this week that the long-awaited repairs to their homes are to be carried out before the end of October. All houses in the town council estate have been included in the contract.
Residents had complained of problems with dampness in the houses. They'll have attic and cavity insulation upgraded, electric extractor fans installed in bathrooms, windows and doors serviced and have multi-fuel stoves supplied and fitted.
The work will also include addressing the problem of water pooling outside houses 10 and 11.
Local councillors Noel McCarthy and Tadhg O'Donovan welcomed the news that the work is to start shortly and that all houses have been included in the works.
"It's good to see this coming to fruition after two and a half years of campaigning and despite facing numerous obstacles," Cllr McCarthy said.
CllrO'Donovan said the response of residents to the news made up for the struggle to date to get the work done. "Hopefully in the near future all houses will be brought up to an appropriate standard that the tenants richly deserve," he commented.
Thursday 10th October 6:20pm