The new vice president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Anne Fay, principal teacher at St Joseph’s National School in Fermoy. Anne is a native of Cappawhite, County Tipperary where she attended primary school. Her grandparents taught in a two-teacher school in Gurtavalla, Doon, County Limerick.
She completed her secondary education in the Convent of Mercy, Doon and attended St Patrick’s College, Maynooth where she graduated with a BA degree in 1975 and an H.Dip in 1976.
In 1978 she qualified as a primary teacher from Mary Immaculate College of Education in Limerick as a ‘Wilson Grad’.
Anne began her teaching career in Presentation Primary School, Fermoy where she taught infants and learning support for many years before she was appointed as a teaching principal in her present school, which was then a two teacher boys’ school.
St Joseph’s now enrols girls and an autism class was added in 2008. Having worked in the area of infant education for most of her career, Anne has maintained a professional interest in the area of early childhood education.
She was a designer and tutor of the INTO infant education course in 1996 and represented the INTO on the group that advised the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment on AISTEAR, the early childhood education framework.
She also represented the organisation on the board of High/Scope Ireland. For a number of years, Anne has presented papers at the annual EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) on behalf of the INTO.
She represents the INTO on the education committee of Inclusion Ireland, an organisation which advocates for children with special needs.
Anne Fay has been an active member of the INTO throughout her career and was secretary in her local Fermoy branch. As district tutor, she provided trade union training for staff representatives and newly qualified teachers.
In 1995, she was elected as the district representative on the INTO education committee. In 2004, she was elected to the Central Executive committee of the INTO to serve as the representative for the nine union branches in the north and east of Cork city and county. Anne is married to Michael and has two daughters, Fiona and Miriam and one grandson, Brendan.
She would like to help young teachers find employment and wishes to address the issues affecting disadvantaged schools, during her time as vice president of the union.
Thursday 28th April 7:04pm