The annual Easter Rising commemoration took place at the Republican Plot in Kilcrumper Old Cemetery last Sunday. Organised by members of the Fermoy Fianna Fail Cumann (Cumann Micheal MacGearailt) ‘Michael Fitzgerald branch’, the man after whom the local Cumann is named was the first to be buried in the plot.
The plot was purchased by Republicans in 1920 when it became clear that Fitzgerald would die on hunger strike. Michael Fitzgerald died on October 17, 1920 after 67 days without food.
The plot contains 6 graves, others interred there include: Liam Lynch from Anglesboro (shot by Free State forces in 1923), Denis O’Brien from Kilworth (died from pneumonia in 1923), Daniel Shinnick from Castletownroche (shot by Free State forces in 1922) and Michael Rouse from Ballindangan (shot by Free State forces in 1922). The remaining grave is vacant.
Speaking at the commemoration, Senator Mark Daly from Kenmare, Co. Kerry said the men and women who rose against British rule in 1916 were motivated by the very highest principles.
Against huge odds they committed themselves to building a better, fairer and more just society. He went on to remark that the proclamation was a document that had stood the test of time and leaders of every hue would do well to remember its reference to cherishing all the nation’s children equally.
As has been the practice in recent times, Cllr Frank O’Flynn from Glanworth recited a decade of the Rosary in Irish while the 1916 proclamation was read by Sean O Murchu from Kilworth.
A representative from the Thomas Kent Pipe Band concluded matters by playing the national anthem.
Thursday 28th April 7:04pm