New Fermoy playground and park only for children and the elderly
Because the new Clancy Street playground and park, which is currently being upgraded, is designed only for young children and senior citizens, when bye-laws for the amenity area were being discussed at the recent meeting of Fermoy Town Council, it was agreed to insert an amendment specifying that only adults accompanied by 'an appropriate-aged child' can enter the park.
It was Cllr Tadhg O'Donovan, PRO for the Clancy Street residents, who proposed the amendment.
Cllr Michael Hanley said he'd a problem in that, given that the town council was heading for extinction, whose authority the bye-laws were going to be enforced under. The Acting Town Manager, Kevin Costello explained that town councils are totally legitimate bodies until they are abolished at which point they will be subsumed through a legal process into another arm of local government.
Friday 25th October 9:45am