Fermoy town councillor Olive Corcoran is demanding a full enquiry into the building of social housing on a site that is allegedly not owned by the council.
Cllr Corcoran attempted to have the situation highlighted at a recent town council meeting but was not happy with the amount of information given to the councillors: “I sat and waited at the last town council meeting for someone to remark on the findings of the budget report that informed me of the legal problems concerning the council’s ownership and right to build on the lands at Rathcarraig.”
“I believe that we the public representatives would not have been aware of the impending High Court action if the auditor’s report had not been published. The people of Fermoy have a right to know. It’s that simple. As regards the legal fees and any other payments that the taxpayers will now have to pay in relation to the development of houses at Rathcarraig, I say let those who blundered pay.”
“While I am not so naive as to think that anyone involved with this crazy situation will ever be held responsible, this is yet another tab that should not be picked up by either the ratepayers or the taxpayer,” Cllr Corcoran said.
The Fermoy town councillor also feels that her colleagues in the council chamber are not giving the matter the attention it needs.
“I notice that my more experienced colleagues on the council are ‘shocked’ and ‘dismayed’, they will it seems ‘be asking questions’ somewhere down the road. I have some serious questions to ask here and now. Was this matter discussed on previous councils?
"Did it appear on every budget report for the past ten years? Did anybody question it? What are the implications for the residents in this area? If I had not forced a discussion on the matter would the public have ever known about it and would the costs be simply ‘absorbed’? How, in the name of all that is holy, could something as serious as this happen in this town?” Cllr Corcoran asked.
Fermoy town mayor, Cllr Pa O’Driscoll said that he would be calling a meeting to discuss the situation and the High Court action.
Friday 6th May 10:37am