The great work of enhancing Kilworth village continues apace. The wall and entrance to St Martin’s Church is being upgraded and is looking resplendent with the newly installed plaque and the renovated gates and railings reinstated.
With the intention of introducing a bit more colour to the homes and entrances around the village, the village renewal committee have come up with an incentive that offers householders the chance to save a whopping 35% on their paint costs.
Chairperson, Mary Fitzgerald points out: “As the buildings in the village make the greatest impact, the state of the built environment is probably the most important area in the judging of Kilworth. Having Kilworth fresh and painted is so important and this year we are extending our paint scheme. There are 2 reductions available to Kilworth village residents:
(1) Toss Bryan, Fermoy is offering a 15% reduction on outdoor paint, gloss paint and paint accessories and
(2) again in conjunction with Toss Bryan, our committee is then offering a further 20% off the outdoor paint.”
Mary said the committee is hopeful that a good number of people will avail of this offer. It would be lovely too if residents along the main street could put up window boxes or hanging baskets as they help add so much colour to an area.
“Last year we gained 281 marks in the Tidy Towns competition. The winning village got 305 marks, so this year our aim is to gain at least 5 more marks,” she said.
“As usual this year one of our big undertakings is to keep the streets litter free, this includes the usual wrappings, plastic bottles and cans. This rubbish collected by our team of litter pickers is segregated and, as much as possible, recycled.”
A group of volunteers whose vision it is to make Kilworth a beautiful village with facilities for all to enjoy, meet each Monday evening in the village square at 7pm. ‘Many hands make light work’ as the saying goes, so if you have a few hours free on Monday nights, please join in as there is much to be done. On bank holiday weekends, the meet night is Tuesday.
The main concern is tidiness so it is important that weeds are kept in check and that footpaths and kerbsides are brushed. The committee appeals to all householders in the village, especially along the main streets to help by brushing the footpath and kerbside outside their own doors with a special appeal to business owners to attend to the cigarette butts dropped outside their premises as these are a major issue with the Tidy Towns’ adjudicators.
It is important too that attention be paid to alleyways, yards and any other untidy area that can be seen from the roadway as these are taken into consideration by the judges. Quite recently, close on 80 bags of rubbish were picked, mainly on the approach roads to the village.
Thanks to the pickers made up of volunteers from the GAA, the soccer club, the Scouts and Guides, Army personnel and our own members. What is important is that everyone living in Kilworth take pride in their village and to join in the spirit of keeping it litter free.
Thursday 20th May 6:50pm