Event date & time:
04.01.2023 at 00:00
Details of the Lifestyle Modification Made
Electricity is one of the integral utility in the current society. It has a direct link to the subconscious fear of the humans of the dark, and the practicality of the need for illumination in the industrialized world. Electricity is the main source of power. The current modern energy alternatives are focused on creating renewable electricity generation through turbines, solar arrays and the sources of electricity through geothermal heating. Without electricity, most of the hospitals and industries would not be operational. The use of electricity for lighting is the core of civilization as it brings comfort to the living zones. Electricity runs the current for governments, corporations, financial institutions, and trading industry. The grip of electricity extends to the smaller insignificant aspects of the average citizen, from the use of electricity for mobile communication and into the kitchen for cooking among many other applications.
Electricity plays a vital role in every home. The change within the scope of the project will include switching off the electricity for two days, and use of an alternative source of lighting such as candles at night, cooking gas for cooking and switch off the television when no one is watching it. I will also use a wood stove as a source of supplemental heat source (instead of electric house warming appliances) as there is one already in the house. I will use natural fresh air cooling strategy. I will use the ceiling and window fans to replace the use of air conditioners. Furthermore, I will use the solar powered battery charger to charge my mobile phone. Finally, giving up the use of all the electrical appliances is unavoidable due to lack of electricity.
The Environmental Significance of the Lifestyle Modification
Approximately 39% of the total energy in America is used to generate electricity. Whenever electricity is generated from fossil burning, it contributes to global warming, the burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere. This gas along with the other greenhouse gases acts as an insulator, allowing the solar radiations in but blocks the radiation from being reflected back to the space. The trapped radiation heats the surface of the earth thus causing climate change. The use of appliances that do not use electricity or appliances that could be operated using solar energy reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.
All forms of electricity generated have huge environmental impacts. For example, in America, electricity is generated from fossil fuel such as coal, natural gas and oil. The impact of electricity use ranges from the active emission of airborne pollutants, or passive effects like the aesthetics and modification of habitats. In this case, the whole cycle of production of electricity has significant impacts on the environment. This is because not only does the production electricity have environmental impacts, but also the transmission of electricity raises concerns over the use of electromagnetic fields, land use and the costs spent on fuel emission and transmission.
Transmission of bulk electricity from the power generation plants to consumers is done using wire suspended on large towers. For an extended period, the transmission lines, viewed as an aesthetic nuisance, cause interference to communication and hazard to low flying airplanes. Greater concerns are placed on the fact that transmission lines affect the natural habitats, and have potential environmental impacts on human health. Researches were performed to determine the impacts of the electromagnetic waves on human health, and its potential to cause cancer. Most studies have focused on children with residential exposure to high electricity voltage lines and workers with a high degree of occupational exposures to electromagnetic waves. However, it has been difficult to establish the amount of electromagnetic waves that have the potential of causing effects on children. The magnetic fields are produced when current flows through a conductor. The home appliances such as hair dryers, microwaves, and television produce a magnetic field ranging from the strengths of 1 to 50 mG. The estimate of the daily exposure is complex and, therefore, hard to estimate, due to the high number of different sources of electromagnetic fields.
Raw fuel production for generation of electricity has profound environmental effects. For example, coal is useful exclusively for the generation of electricity. Surface mining of coal has long term and short-term effects on the land. It pollutes the air through dust, noise and creates problems related to the water drainage systems. The industrial production coal generates liquid and solid wastes that need processing before dispensing. Furthermore, the use of oil in the electrical power plants has brought problems related to the hydrocarbon burning. The fossil fuel burning electricity generation plants have extensive environmental impacts. The nuclear power plants have most potentially dangerous effects on the environment as an accident at the nuclear facility could lead to the release of the radioactive materials.
The electromagnetic fields occur whenever electricity is used. It is created whenever an electric current flows through any lines or wire including the electrical wiring in a home. It is generated from electrical appliances such as the vacuum cleaners, microwaves, computer's electric baseboard heat. Several studies have shown that living near high voltage power lines increases the risks of cancer and several other health problems. The electrical power grid utilizes step down system of electricity distribution, with the highest exposure near the generating station and the lowest at the end. The closer a residential home is to the transformers, the higher risks of an individual bombarding with the dangerous electro- magnetic waves. The magnetic field, part of the EMF, has the ability to penetrate through steel, stone, and even human flesh. The electromagnetic fields are invisible and are present in areas with electric poor, cell phone services and water pipes. With the EMF, the human body acts as an energy broadcaster and receiver. Scientific research has demonstrated that all the cells in the body have their own EMFs helping in the regulation of the body. Strong EMFs from the power lines and electrical appliances can scramble and interfere with the natural body’s EMF, thus pose severe risks or harms - from the sleeping patterns to the stress levels in the body immune system and DNA.
During the construction of the transmission lines, there is a generation of noise by the construction equipment. The overall operations produce noises, which have the potential impacts on the adjacent residential estates and landowners. In addition, the transmission lines produce vibration and humming noise commonly associated with the old transmission lines. The noise is associated with mounting hardware that loosens slightly over the years. The lines also produce crackles and hissing noises in humid seasons, caused by the ionization of moist air near the wires. The noise is particularly audible to the residents living next to the transmission lines.
Lessons Learnt
From the project’s experience, when energy is conserved, it enables to enjoy cleaner and healthier environment. This consequently helps the protection of the environment through the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases. The use of fresh air cooling strategy to maintain good indoor air quality is significant. As the weather is good, natural ventilation with windows and doors suffices for cooling. The ceiling fans are useful as they eliminate the need for use of air conditioning and consume less electricity. The ceiling fans are cost efficient and cool due the wind chill effect; moreover, as they require less power to operate, it is easier to charge them using solar panels. The use of energy in a more efficient manner will reduce the overall amount of electricity used.
Taking advantage of the natural light from windows and skylights for day lighting is good. This is because it does not only eliminate the need for use of electricity, but it also brightens and warms the interior of the house. Good windows eliminate the need for artificial lighting during the day as it provides lighting to the house without provision of heating and cooling problems. The more the natural light is available, the lesser is the need to rely on electric energy for running and lighting. This also consequently reduces the health impacts related to the artificial sources of lighting such as electricity. Daylight also improves a home’s aesthetic feel. The use of light colored walls helps to brighten a room reflecting daylight throughout the interior space.
High voltage power lines and the electromagnetic fields have the potential of affecting the urban and rural communities. The use of appliances that do not consume a lot of electricity can considerably reduce the amount of energy consumed. The use of solar energy has a small effect on the environment. This is because there are no residuals produced during the energy conversion process. In addition, the use of the wood stove is a significant source of supplemental heat, as the modern features are designed to improve safety, are highly efficient and feature low emissions. With correct