Event date & time:
12.03.2020 at 18:19
New York, USA
Wondering if your beloved pigeons or parrots would qualify for an emotional support animal? Why not! An emotional support animal provides mental comfort and other therapeutic benefits to their owners.
However, birds could be far more convenient and enjoyable companions than a cat or a dog. But, like we always say, before getting your ESA letter for any animal, always ask for an emotional support animal letter sample to know the details that will be added in it. This applies to your ‘flighty’ ESAs also.
Talking about the benefits of having birds, following are some of the reasons that make them better ESAs than a cat or a dog.

1.They can Manage their Bathroom Needs
With a cat and a dog, you need to make special arrangements for their bathroom needs. For a cat, a litter box that you have to clean a few times a week and for a dog, you need to take them to daily walks and scoop up the poop afterwards, ewww!
For birds, you will not need any such arrangement. They use their cages as their bathrooms that you will need to clean every few weeks, still better than cleaning a litter box or scooping up the poop.
2.They can Speak your Language
While it is not true for every bird but it is quite true for parrots. It is a scientifically proven fact that birds are the only animals that could mimic human language. Cats and dogs also communicate but they have their way of doing it, which is quite different than our own speech.
With birds, you can teach them the words and talk to them when feeling lonely.
3.They do not Overpopulate
Unless you want a cage full of birds, you can control your birds’ population by removing the eggs. People who have cats and dogs as ESAs are often worried about dealing with their progeneration and get their animals spayed or neutered. With birds, you do not need to take them to any doctor to manage their system. Just remove the eggs and you are good to go.
Birds are beautiful creatures and they come in a variety of colors and types. They are chirping beauties that have a soothing effect on our senses and help lower stress level.If you have any of bird as an ESA then get ESA letter for housing for them.